The BLACK EYED SUSAN series continues a long established way of working by C.A.HALPIN that is based on found words, images and notes.
This particular series uses personal letters, intimate and erotic drawings, notes and images made by her then lover MAT DUCASSE.
?DO NOT BELIEVE THEM? was a painting started by Mat Ducasse, which he had abandoned and was consequently taken up by the artist to finish and become the initial BLACK EYED SUSAN painting. Other paintings including BLACK EYED SUSAN ?Part One? and BLACK EYED SUSAN Part Three? were begun and worked on together and then finished by C.A.Halpin. They chart the history of a relationship through to the end of the affair. The written messages and images contained within the paintings are layered over and turned around until they become abstracted, distorted almost impossible to read. Several of the paintings, once begun in unison, are worked on by C.A.HALPIN as she turns the canvas until the images have no top or bottom, the viewer being guided only by the forms that emerge as they are painted.